The Epic of Gilgamesh
GILGAMESH is the oldest work in literature. Looking for
its beginning we move back five thousands years to times
from which olders are almost only remains of material culture
found in primitive settlements and cages, before which humankind
is mute for us and stay plunged into great silence. Gilgamesh
is the oldest example of recording of human thoughts. In
time, it came into being the possibility of its spreading
was limited. Only the Gutenberg's invention, the printing
press, revolutionized ways of spreading culture. Now when
the third Tofler's wave sweeps across the world publishing
gets new advantages not only in amount but most of all in
quality. This next milestone is the Internet with its possibility
of publishing by all and for all. This new media does not
have to be a reservoir of shallow content, it can successfully
be a mean for preservation and spreading civilization heritage
which is often forgotten because of lack of commercial advantages.
The Epic of Gilgamesh, the digital library book, is an
example of multimedia publication created with the usage
of software tool dLibra, which can be useful in creating
similar multimedia publications for editors and which can
handle many different forms of media content. For this example
we became the small editors team which created specific
media for the purpose of the digital representation of the
- Graphics: Animated and Still - visual representation
of the Epic of Gilgamesh,
- Audio: Animation support and synchronization - musical
- Voice: Reading of the book - lector recordings or background
music played while self-reading.
Gilgamesh exemplifies the potential for the market of content
providing with regards to 3D animated graphics, digital
sound and music, VRML, interactive media etc.
